Xiaomi, the Chinese technology company known for its smartphones and home appliances, is reportedly working on an electric vehicle (EV). Rumors have been circulating about the alleged EV, with the latest reports suggesting that it will be a mid-size sedan available in two versions. According to Chinese media outlet Jiemian.com, which cited "people close to Xiaomi," the EV, codenamed Modena, will start at between 260,000 and 300,000 yuan (~US$38,022 to US$43,870). A second EV, internally named Le Mans, is also said to be in development, with a potential launch date in 2025.
Pricing and Specifications:
The alleged options for the Modena include an entry-level model with a 400 V platform and a more expensive 800 V model. It is believed that the entry-level model will be based on the 400 V platform and use a BYD LiFePO4 battery, while the more expensive model could use the 800 V platform and a CATL Kirin battery. An older rumor also suggested that the more expensive model would have a 260 kW motor. Both models are rumored to use the next-generation Qualcomm and Nvidia Orin X smart chips.
In addition to the Modena, reports suggest that Xiaomi is also developing a second EV, internally named Le Mans. It has been suggested that this car will be built on the same platform as the other EVs but with three motors. It is unclear at this time what the pricing or specifications for the Le Mans will be.
Reports also claim that the Xiaomi electric car will be unveiled in 2023, with mass production set to begin the following year. It is unclear at this time when the EV will be available for purchase or in which markets it will be offered.
Prototype Sightings:
In other news, several people have reported spotting a camouflaged vehicle near the Xiaomi Science and Technology Park in China, which some speculate could be a prototype for one of the upcoming Xiaomi EVs. The first prototypes were said to have rolled off the production line in September. It is not uncommon for companies to test prototypes in camouflage to avoid revealing design details before an official launch.
While details about the rumored Xiaomi EV are still scarce, the reports of its development and prototype sightings have generated excitement among those interested in the company's expansion into the automotive industry. It will be interesting to see what features and technologies the EV will offer, and how it will compete with other electric vehicles on the market. We will continue to monitor the situation and report on any updates as they become available.
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